Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

How do we get set up with the app?

  • Submit a staff roster per campus/facility, including:
  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Role (e.g., staff, admin, law enforcement)
  • Complete additional forms for app customization.
  • We’ll handle the setup from there!

How quickly can we be set up?

  • The setup speed largely depends on how promptly we receive the required information from you. We strive to complete setups as quickly as possible.

App Functionality

How does the alert system work?

  • Users you designate can activate up to 3 different alerts.
  • You determine which users receive which alerts.
  • Alerts can be customized for different campuses and authorities.

Can the app connect to our attendance system?

  • No, the LockNow App focuses on essential features to remain cost-effective and does not integrate with other systems.

How does live messaging work?

  • You choose who can view and participate in live messaging. There are three options: no access, view-only, and full access (view and participate).

Alert Management

Who can activate and receive alerts?

  • You determine who can activate and receive each of the 3 alert types.

How are alerts managed across multiple campuses?

  • Campuses are typically set up independently but customization is available. You determine how alerts are managed and received across different campuses and authorities.

What happens with multiple alerts on the same campus?

  • The first activated alert is sent out first, with the option to escalate to a red alert if needed.

Usage and Compliance

What information is collected from users?

  • We collect names, email addresses, and phone numbers, and do not disclose this information to any third parties.

How do you prevent false alarms outside of operational hours?

  • LockNow can be set to be active or inactive based on the times determined by your facility.

What if employees don’t want to download the app?

  • While we can’t force usage, we recommend employers request notification from employees who choose not to use the app for effective emergency planning.

Technical Aspects

What happens if someone is on a call during an alert?

  • The phone will vibrate and sound an alert speakers in the background during a call.

How long does an alert sound?

  • Alerts sound for a specific period or until the notification is opened, depending on your phone. The alarm also sounds when an alert is ended

What are the minimum operating system requirements?

  • Android: Version 5.0 and above.
  • iOS: Version 10.0 and above.

How can I check my phone’s compatibility with the app?


For iOS Users:

  1. Check OS Version:
  2. Open the "Settings" app.
  3. Scroll down and tap on "General."
  4. Tap on "About."
  5. Here, you'll see the "Software Version" which indicates your current iOS version.

For Android Users:

  1. Check OS Version:
  2. Open the "Settings" app.
  3. Scroll down and tap on "About phone" or "About device" (this might vary slightly depending on the manufacturer).
  4. Look for "Software information" or directly for "Android version."

Additional Features

Can authorities receive alerts?

  • Yes, with your permission, authorities can receive either only active threat alerts or all alerts.

Can we add custom alerts?

  • Yes, we can add new or different alerts based on your organization’s needs.

What are drills and how are they used?

  • Drills are practice runs for emergency preparedness, clearly labeled as drills in alerts and messaging. You determine access and activation permissions.

Support and Feedback

Who do I contact for support or additional questions?

  • Please contact us at