How LockNow App can help schools prepare for and respond to different types of emergencies

How LockNow App can help schools prepare for and respond to different types of emergencies

Schools are supposed to be safe and nurturing environments for students and staff, but unfortunately, they are not immune to emergencies. Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and can be caused by natural disasters, human-made incidents, or health crises. Emergencies can disrupt the normal functioning of schools, endanger the lives and well-being of the school community, and damage the school property and resources.

That is why schools need to have effective emergency plans and communication systems in place to deal with any potential or actual emergency situation. One of the tools that can help schools with this is LockNow App, a software that sells to schools to help with emergency communication during a crisis.

LockNow App is a mobile and web-based application that allows schools to send instant alerts, share live messages, and customize options for different types of emergencies. In this blog post, we will show you how LockNow App can help schools prepare for and respond to various emergencies, such as:

  • Active shooter
  • Fire
  • Earthquake
  • Lockdown
  • Other emergencies

Active shooter

An active shooter is an individual who is actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. They usually last 10 to 15 minutes, which means that law enforcement may not arrive in time to stop the shooting. Therefore, individuals must be prepared to deal with an active shooter situation before help arrives.

LockNow App can alert the school staff and students about the presence of an active shooter on campus, and instruct them to lock down, evacuate, or take other appropriate actions. LockNow App can also provide real-time updates on the situation, such as the location and movement of the shooter, the number of casualties, and the arrival of law enforcement.

Here are some steps for using LockNow App in an active shooter scenario:

  1. When you receive an alert from LockNow App about an active shooter on campus, follow the instructions carefully. Do not ignore or dismiss the alert.
  2. If you are in an area where you can safely secure yourself and others, lock or barricade the doors and windows, turn off the lights and silence your phone, and stay out of sight. Do not open the door for anyone unless you are sure it is safe.
  3. If you are in an area where you cannot safely secure yourself and others, try to escape if possible. Avoid elevators and stairs, and look for alternate exits. Run in a zigzag pattern and keep low to the ground. Do not stop until you reach a safe place.
  4. If you cannot escape or secure yourself, as a last resort, try to fight back. Use any improvised weapons or objects you can find, such as chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, etc. Act aggressively and aim for the head or body of the shooter.
  5. Stay in contact with LockNow App throughout the incident. Follow any updates or instructions from LockNow App or authorities. Do not assume that someone else has called 911 or reported the situation.
  6. When law enforcement arrives, follow their commands and do not make any sudden movements. Keep your hands visible at all times and do not hold anything that could be mistaken for a weapon.


A fire is a rapid combustion of material that produces heat, light, smoke, and flames. Fire can spread quickly and cause severe damage to property and life. Fire can be caused by various factors, such as electrical faults, cooking accidents, arson, lightning strikes, etc. Fire can also trigger other hazards, such as explosions, gas leaks, smoke inhalation, etc.

LockNow App can notify the school community about a fire outbreak in the school building or nearby area, and direct them to follow the fire evacuation plan. LockNow App can also inform them about the status of the fire, such as the size, spread, and intensity, and the availability of safe exits and assembly points.

Here are some steps for using LockNow App in a fire scenario:

  1. When you receive an alert from LockNow App about a fire in or near your school, follow the instructions carefully. Do not ignore or dismiss the alert.
  2. If you see or smell smoke or flames, activate the nearest fire alarm and call 911 if possible.
  3. If you are in a room where the fire is not present, close the door and windows to prevent the smoke and fire from entering. Check the door and the doorknob for heat before opening it. If they are hot, do not open the door and look for another way out.
  4. If you are in a room where the fire is present, get out as quickly as possible. Use the nearest exit or fire escape that is clear and safe. Do not use elevators or stairs that are filled with smoke or fire.
  5. If you encounter smoke or fire on your way out, crawl low to the ground and cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth or shirt. Stay away from walls and doors that may be hot or burning.
  6. If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, and roll to smother the flames. Do not run or panic, as this will make the fire worse.
  7. Once you are outside, move away from the building and go to the designated assembly point. Do not re-enter the building until LockNow App or authorities tell you it is safe. Stay in contact with LockNow App throughout the incident. Follow any updates or instructions from LockNow App or authorities.


An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates along faults. Earthquakes can vary in magnitude, duration, and frequency. Earthquakes can cause severe damage to buildings, infrastructure, and life. Earthquakes can also trigger other hazards, such as landslides, tsunamis, fires, etc.

LockNow App can warn the school members about an impending or occurring earthquake, and advise them to take cover under sturdy furniture or in safe zones. LockNow App can also update them on the magnitude, duration, and aftershocks of the earthquake, and the extent of damage and injuries in the school or surrounding area.

Here are some steps for using LockNow App in an earthquake scenario:

  1. When you receive an alert from LockNow App about an earthquake, follow the instructions carefully. Do not ignore or dismiss the alert.
  2. If you are indoors, stay inside and take cover under a sturdy table, desk, or other furniture. Hold on to it and protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows, mirrors, bookcases, cabinets, or anything that could fall or break.
  3. If you are outdoors, move away from buildings, trees, power lines, or anything that could fall or collapse. Find an open area and drop to the ground. Cover your head and neck with your arms.
  4. If you are in a moving vehicle, stop as soon as it is safe to do so. Stay inside the vehicle and put on your seat belt. Avoid bridges, overpasses, tunnels, or anything that could collapse or be damaged by the earthquake.
  5. After the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries and provide first aid if needed. Do not move anyone who is seriously injured unless they are in immediate danger. Call 911 if possible.
  6. Stay in contact with LockNow App throughout the incident. Follow any updates or instructions from LockNow App or authorities. Do not assume that the earthquake is over, as there may be aftershocks that could cause further damage or injury.


A lockdown is a procedure that requires the school to secure its premises and protect its occupants from a threat or danger. A lockdown can be initiated by LockNow App, school authorities, law enforcement, or other agencies. A lockdown can be partial or full, voluntary or mandatory, internal or external. A lockdown can be triggered by various situations, such as intruders, violence, threats, hazardous materials, etc.

LockNow App can initiate a lockdown procedure in case of any threat or danger that requires the school to secure its premises and protect its occupants. LockNow App can also communicate the reason, duration, and conditions of the lockdown, such as whether it is partial or full, voluntary or mandatory, or internal or external.

Here are some steps for using LockNow App in a lockdown scenario:

  1. When you receive an alert from LockNow App about a lockdown, follow the instructions carefully. Do not ignore or dismiss the alert.
  2. If you are in a classroom or office, lock or barricade the door and windows, turn off the lights and silence your phone, and stay out of sight. Do not open the door for anyone unless you are sure it is safe.
  3. If you are in a hallway or common area, look for the nearest classroom or office that is open and secure yourself inside. If you cannot find one, hide in
  4. Stay calm and quiet during the lockdown. Do not make any noise or movement that could attract attention or cause alarm. Listen to any announcements or instructions from LockNow App or authorities. Do not use your phone or social media to spread rumors or false information.
  5. If you need to communicate with someone outside the lockdown area, use LockNow App to send or receive messages. Do not call 911 unless you have an emergency that requires immediate assistance. Do not call or text your family or friends, as this could overload the phone lines and interfere with the emergency response.
  6. Wait for the lockdown to be lifted by LockNow App or authorities. Do not leave your location until you are told it is safe to do so. Follow the directions of LockNow App or authorities on how to exit the lockdown area and where to go next. Be prepared for a head count, debriefing, or counseling session.

Other emergencies

Other emergencies are any situations that may affect the operations or safety of the school, but do not fall under the categories of active shooter, fire, earthquake, or lockdown. These may include power outage, water contamination, gas leak, bomb threat, chemical spill, pandemic outbreak, etc. These emergencies may require different responses depending on the nature and severity of the situation.

LockNow App can also help schools deal with other types of emergencies that may affect their operations or safety. LockNow App can provide relevant information and guidance for each scenario, such as the cause, impact, and duration of the emergency, the actions to take or avoid, and the resources to contact or access.

Here are some steps for using LockNow App in other emergency scenarios:

  1. When you receive an alert from LockNow App about an emergency in or near your school, follow the instructions carefully. Do not ignore or dismiss the alert.
  2. If you are in a classroom or office, stay where you are unless LockNow App or authorities tell you to evacuate or relocate. Follow the instructions from LockNow App or authorities on how to deal with the specific emergency. For example, if there is a power outage, turn off any electrical devices and use flashlights or candles for lighting. If there is a water contamination, do not drink or use any tap water and use bottled water instead.
  3. If you are in a hallway or common area, go to the nearest classroom or office that is open and secure yourself inside. Follow the instructions from LockNow App or authorities on how to deal with the specific emergency. For example, if there is a gas leak, do not use any open flames or sparks and ventilate the area by opening windows and doors. If there is a bomb threat, do not touch or move any suspicious objects and report them to authorities.
  4. If you are outdoors, move away from the source of the emergency and go to a safe location. Follow the instructions from LockNow App or authorities on how to deal with the specific emergency. For example, if there is a chemical spill, avoid contact with any spilled substances and cover your nose and mouth with a cloth or mask. If there is a pandemic outbreak, practice social distancing and wear a face mask and gloves.
  5. Stay in contact with LockNow App throughout the incident. Follow any updates or instructions from LockNow App or authorities.


Emergencies are unpredictable and can happen at any time and place. Schools need to be prepared and ready to deal with any type of emergency that may occur on their premises or nearby areas. One of the tools that can help schools with this is LockNow App, a software that sells to schools to help with emergency communication during a crisis.

LockNow App is a mobile and web-based application that allows schools to send instant alerts, share live messages, and customize options for different types of emergencies. LockNow App can help schools save time, reduce confusion and panic, and improve coordination and collaboration during a crisis. LockNow App can also help schools comply with the federal, state, and local regulations and standards for school emergency management.

If you are interested in learning more about LockNow App or want to try it out for your school, please visit our website or contact us at We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Stay safe!

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